"The road to freedom is neither short, nor wide. Persistence, determination, courage and focus are paramount. You will get there ..." Masses of Rwandans fleeing the Rwandan Patriotic Front in 1994, to then Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Most of these refugees are still in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
NDC Goals:  Bring Peace, Unity and Development in the Great Lakes Region for the Interest of the People.
About National Democratic Congress (NDC - CND)

NDC Goals: Bring Peace, Unity and Development in the Great Lakes Region for the Interest of the People.

National Democratic Congress (NDC)/Congres National pour la Democratie(CND) is a coalition of Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and Rally of the Rwandan People (RPR-Inkeragutabara). It is open to other political parties who share the same ideals of democracy, justice, equitable society that respect the basic human rights for all Rwandans and residents of Rwanda, without distinction. NDC strives to change Rwanda, into a progressive nation that respects its neighbors and is well integrated in the region; politically, diplomatically and economically.

How to Bring Peace, Unity and Development in the Great Lakes Region
Drive and Determination to  change Rwanda, into a progressive nation that respects its neighbors and is well integrated in the region; politically, diplomatically and economically.
NDC Fundamental Principles

Drive and Determination to change Rwanda, into a progressive nation that respects its neighbors and is well integrated in the region; politically, diplomatically and economically.

National Democratic Congress (NDC)/Congres National pour la Democratie(CND) is a coalition of Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and Rally of the Rwandan People (RPR-Inkeragutabara). It is open to other political parties who share the same ideals of democracy, justice, equitable society that respect the basic human rights for all Rwandans and residents of Rwanda, without distinction. NDC strives to change Rwanda, into a progressive nation that respects its neighbors and is well integrated in the region; politically, diplomatically and economically.

NDC Fundamental Goals and Principles
National Democratic Congress (NDC) - Congres National pour la Democratie(CND)
For Democracy, justice, equitable society that respects the basic human rights for all Rwandans and residents of Rwanda, without distinction.

National Democratic Congress (NDC) - Congres National pour la Democratie(CND)

National Democratic Congress (NDC)/Congres National pour la Democratie(CND) is a coalition of Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and Rally of the Rwandan People (RPR-Inkeragutabara). It is open to other political parties who share the same ideals of democracy, justice, equitable society that respect the basic human rights for all Rwandans and residents of Rwanda, without distinction. NDC strives to change Rwanda, into a progressive nation that respects its neighbors and is well integrated in the region; politically, diplomatically and economically.

Contact NDC Team


National Democratic Congress (NDC)/Congres National pour la Democratie(CND) is a coalition of Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and Rally of the Rwandan People (RPR-Inkeragutabara). It is open to other political parties who share the same ideals of democracy, justice, equitable society that respect the basic human rights for all Rwandans and residents of Rwanda, without distinction. 

NDC strives to change Rwanda, into a progressive nation that respects its neighbors and is well integrated in the region; politically, diplomatically and economically.



Jean-Marie Vianney Higiro, PhD: overall coordination and representation of RUD-Urunana in internal and external matters.

Jean-Marie Vianney Higiro, PhD

RUD-Urunana, President


Johson Rukeba, RPR-President, Ai: overall coordination and representation of RPR-Inkeragutabara in internal and external matters.

Johnson Rukeba

RPR-Inkeragutabara, President ai


Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD: coordination and representation of National Democratic Congress in internal and external matters.

Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD

NDC, President 



Augustin Dukuze, PhD



Bonaventure Hakizimana, PhD

Exterior Relations


Rafiki Hyacinthe Nsengiyumva

Political Affairs


Narcisse Sezirahiga

Social Affairs


Other operational commissions and local chapters



Welcome to Join!

The People We Serve

The People We Serve; the People We Fight For; The People We Walk With

Poor Rwandans

A Young Person in Rwanda

"In 1994, I was still a baby. Now I am a grown up young woman, ready to contribute to the society. I envision the society where all these divisions will end and we can all live together, in peace and build the country"

- Michelle Murekatete

National Democratic Congress

A Rwandan Refugee in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

"I saw my parents killed in the camp in Kibumba in 1996. My parents were massacred along thousands of innocent people by the soldiers of General Kagame. I cannot go back to Rwanda with the current criminal regime still in power. There need to be guaranties for people to feel free and secure in Rwanda before we can return "

- Paul Nkuriza.

Poor Rwandans

A Rwandan RUD combattant in Eastern DRC

"We, in RUD-Urunana, are there to protect refugees. These refugees include our parents, children, brothers, relatives and innocent people. We are ready to protect them to the end."

- Captain Michel Rukebesha

National Democratic Congress

A Business Woman in Rwanda

"We need peace and regional integration in the region to be able to do business with our neighbors. Right now, Rwandans are viewed as invaders, killers, and so forth."

- Lydia M.

Poor Rwandans

A Public Employee in Rwanda

"Conditions must be created so that Rwandan refugees may come back to Rwanda to help build the country"

- Franck R.

National Democratic Congress

Rwandan Defense Forces Officer

"We need to stop killing each other. We are all brothers and sisters."

- Major L. K.

Poor Rwandans

A Tutsi farmer

"We live in constant fear. The divisive policies of the Rwandan Patriotic Front have created even more mistrust among people"

- K. M.

National Democratic Congress

An RPR combattant

"I left Rwandan Patriotic Front because  the leaders have betrayed our vision of a unified, democratic, and prosperous Rwanda"

- Lt. Sam Shikama

Poor Rwandans

Student at the National University of Rwanda

"I am graduating soon. Will I have a job. Not sure. Government policies only favor those connected to the powerful"

- Olive S.

NDC: Charte Rwandaise des Droits et Libertés

Charte Rwandaise des Droits et Libertés est le fondement de la lutte que nous menons pour la Vérité, la Justice pour tous, une Réconciliation authentique, l'Égalité et l'Équité.

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